My wife bought new bag as original LS200 (at least 5 years old, daily worn and travelled with), was showing (limited) signs of its extended use.
Although I consider the original bag bomb-proof in terms of materials and construction, it was becoming discolored internally and was impervious to cleaning - looked a bit off.
I immediately noticed 'changes' in the new bag.
- It felt lighter / made of thinner materials, only time will tell if this is a cosmetic observation or one that
will affect longevity.
- The change in design of the shoulder strap is main observation and the cause for the 4 * review.
Original strap is robust, well designed and confidence inspiring.
In comparison new strap design appears less robust and is frustrating in use.
Lighter / thinner materials - fabric and wire inserts.
Adjustment includes a 'free' end.
However, design leaves 'free' end pointing up when adjusted to suit a shoulder length hang, which when
coupled with a retaining slider that lacks 'bite' means the free end slides / falls back on itself.
Ok, its not the end of the world, but is frustrating / annoying when the original (heavier?) design - which
does not include a 'free' end, worked fine.
Maybe a weight saving change too far, or change for change sake?